design & technology blog =D ;
6:19 AM



& get it movin'


11:05 PM

What is design ?

Today , i learn what design is all about . Design can be found everywhere . For example , the table that we use almost everyday in school , the chair we are sitting on and many more .

In school , we are taught about functions and aesthetics during design and technology lesson . This two factors are important . Without this two factors , the design will be incomplete . Many people especially people who are buying this products are more concern about the design but they always think that the functions and aesthetics are not as important .

For example , the two shairs shown above , the fatboy chair and the vitra designer Greg Lynn's Ravioli armchair .While may look quite impressive and well design , i don`t think it`s comfortable for people who have back problems to sit on .

The first product analysis .

This design is taken from and it is from margen design . It was designed by Genoveva Castellar , Lucila Biscione and Marco Muscariello . The designers are trying to balance on the aesthetics and functional of the product to obtain a harmonic result . " Design tends to improve the quality of life . " The chairs in the image above is called Langostas or also known as lobster .

Functions .

-It is comfortable for people to sit on as it allows people to rest their backs on the chair . It may not be as comfortable as it has a shape that is really unusual and may not be as comfortable .

Aesthetics .

-It maybe quite attractive to teenagers and young adults . It has a bright colour that can attract people`s attention . But it is not comfortable for people to sit on as they are holes in between and you could not rest your back fully on the chair .There are another design for the chair but it is in the same colours .

Ergonomics .

- It is not comfortable for us to sit on as it has holes in between and also the back of the chair is not straight to rest on . It does not have sharp end so it will not be dangerous for young children . It is made from a hard material so you may hurt yourself if you accidentally hit your head on it .

Innovation .

- Design is about innovative . It is all about solving design problems . The chair is not comfortable for us to sit on . The designer can still improve on it . Even though it may appeal your eyes , there are some disadvantages as the one listed above .

My second product analysis .

Diogo Nunes is the designer of the product . This chair is call Papell Chair . Inspired by the architecture of the Allianz Soccer Arena, the form of the couch resembles a cross section of this amazing building.

Function .

- It is a chair for people to sit on . It is comfortable for us to sit on . Moreover , we can also rest our back on the chair . It does not have holes as compared to the first product analysis .

Aesthetics .

- The overall look of a product is called its aesthetics . The chair is made from a comfortable material for us to sit on and we can rest our back on it . I got attracted when i first saw the product as it has a very nice colour that really attract my attention . It also does not have sharp ends that could hurt young children .

Ergonomics .

- It is comfortable for us to sit on . It does not have sharp ends that could hurt any young children . It may be appealing for young adults and teenagers but not to the other people . It has a nice colour that could attract people`s attention .

Innovation .

- The chair is perfect for anyone . It is comfortable for us to sit on . Any people could use it and it also allows us to rest our back .

& get it movin'



amirah [ 12 ] ;
2e3 ;
east spring secondary school ;
& yeah . my dnt blog =D

bandss .
loadsss ;

desires ;

A1 [=

spinning ;




Nazurah ♥
Amira Azmir ♥





Adobe Photoshop 7.0 & Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

*please keep the credits as they are =) thankyou.